The most succinct line I could think of after many years on this planet as to the meaning of life: Life without Levity is just Levitating through Life!

Hi, I’m Cody! I am Team Lead of Security Engineering / Senior Software Engineer for Automox. On the engineering team I worked on the endpoint agent, and on the security team I work on application security as Red Team Lead doing code/infrastructure auditing, internal red teaming, working on getting us into compliance with many of the major frameworks, and helping automate and scale our security tooling. Previously I worked at DocuSign on the Seal/Insights Artificial Intelligence and CLM Platforms, and a few other interesting places throughout the last decade. A more complete CV can be found at my resume website.

I will be using this blog to chronicle things of interest, things I’m learning, things I’m working on, and other/all the things.

Currently, I am spending my time having fun with my love of infosec through conferences, cybersecurity competitions, and work related deep-dives. I can also be found messing around with hardware and physical security. FPGAs are always fun to break!

I am currently enlightening myself on modern malware analysis and reversing techniques, especially as we hunt down live samples of cobalt strike in the wild. I will have blog posts up as I look to uncover IoCs related to things we find at work or things I am jumping into for my own edification. I also work on my toy operating system written in go, my OpenGL and Vulkan graphics engines, and random game development / game jams.

You can also check out some quotes!